Wow is so cool! :0 *drop money*
Wow is so cool! :0 *drop money*
hope you have more money to drop for Fridays art
That's my oc
slime LOL
a slime ghost that deserved more spot light in the ads
Todos le temen a mama pero verla se ve hermoso el dibujo :D
no todo lo aterrador tiene que ser feo ;')
aww is so cutie!
Thanks! :)
ese hombre no regala dinero gratis en mexico >:(
almenos estas cerca de donde vive, solo hay que tener cuidado con el guardaesspaldas
hey I saw this post since February 18 and I never comment until now, I just find this and it says hey that makes me think that I already saw it and I looked down and said obviously this I already know and very nice hehe written after that it was published .. LOL
get real
oh no fuck! D:
Es pan gratis? (algo para ponerle chiste a este arte ta lindo para q te animes este dia jeje)
Pan gratis !!!
my name is mot
I like music and poetry
And I like to meet more talented people!
a part of Mexico
Joined on 2/18/21